Dietary Treatment For Eczema, Itchy And Dry Skin


Also referred to as atopic dermatitis, eczema is normally an inflammatory reaction of the skin which can be a serious source of discomfort in infants and even adults. While DNA has been implicated in many cases of eczema, other contributing factors include sweating, poor hygiene, stress and contact with chemicals and plants. Eczema development has also been associated with some food allergies such as eggs, milk from cow, soy products, gluten containing foods, nuts etc. Although these foods may not be directly linked to eczema development, they may, however, trigger a flare up and worsen the condition. Maintaining an eczema free skin is usually achieved with proper skin care and improved nutrition. Below are tips to maintain a healthy skin while preventing eczema and itchy skin development:

1. Fish consumption

Foods high in anti-inflammatory activity go a long way in curbing eczema development and one of those is fatty fish such as herring and salmon. Omega-3-fatty acids, with appreciable contents in fish oil, have been widely touted a good remedy and thus consuming these fatty fish will come in handy in remedying the unsightly eczema conditions of a dry and itchy skin.

2. Take more Quercetin containing foods

A plant derived flavonoid, Quercetin is a strong antioxidant and also possesses anti-histamine activities, thus able to deter progress of inflammatory conditions synonymous with eczema in the body. Consuming Quercetin containing foods such as spinach, apples, blueberries, cherries, kale and broccoli is thus vital in preventing a dry and itchy skin of eczema.

3. Probiotics also help

Yoghurts and similar probiotic foods contain live microorganisms that help in boosting immunocompetence, a feature which has been related to inhibit allergic reactions and inflammations that could consequently cause eczema. Other probiotic foods are kefir, naturally fermented pickles, soft cheeses and sourdough bread.

4. Avoid preservatives as much as possible

Foods containing high amounts of preservatives, trans fats and other chemicals should be avoided as they could deteriorate symptoms and facilitate dry, itchy skins. These include fast foods, margarine and processed foods of all kinds.

5. Sugars

Insulin levels are heightened with more sugar and this triggers inflammation afterwards, thus, these food products which include burgers, cakes, coffee drinks and sodas are better absconded.

6. Anti-inflammatory foods

Since eczema is inflammation facilitated, substituting your diet for anti-inflammatory foods is thus a necessity for persistent eczema sufferers. The emphasis here is on foods such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, omega-3-rich fish and healthy fats like olive oil.


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