How To Use Tea For Weight Loss

weight loss

What We Drink Now

We all have those problem areas that we want to get rid of. Recently a lot of people have been using detox tea as a way to lose weight. Actually, detox tea may not be the best way to lose those extra pounds. A lot of detox tea's contain a tea leaf called senna. Senna is a natural laxative and is used to clear the bowel. This will help you lose weight but not the weight you are trying to lose. It's more of the pure body fat we are trying to burn and a laxative is not doing quit that. In fact, if you consume too much senna your body can become dependent on it to have bowel movements, and can even deplete your body of natural nutrients.

So What To Do

Instead of using detox tea, look for teas that are high in antioxidants. Usually, these teas will be of your green tea variety. Matcha green tea for instance has the highest level of antioxidants compared to any other natural tea on earth. Matcha is also powdered and not in leaf form like most tea, so you digest more of the teas benefits when you drink it. And because of the antioxidants your body blocks the absorption of fat cells and increases your metabolism, which helps aid in weight loss. Remember the goal isn't to lose weight but to burn fat, and that is what green tea will do.

So How Do We Use It

So the best way to use matcha green tea to lose weight will be to drink one or two cups a day. But hold on that's not all. You need to also maintain a healthy diet, low in fats and high in fiber... so all your green veggies. Then you will also want to maintain a healthy workout routine as well. I would say cardio for 20 minutes at least 3 times a week. With the combination of these three things you will not only look better and feel better but you will also burn fat and that is the goal right.

How To Incorporate Matcha

In order to get the most from your matcha add it to protein shakes and smoothies. Since matcha is already a powder it makes for a perfect additive. Oh yeah, don't forget matcha is great as a tea both hot and iced.

Well I hope you got something out of this and that I have opened your eyes to detox tea. Most of them are not ideal for weight loss, but green tea can be the holy grail (consult your doctor before taking any supplements or doing any strenuous activity).


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