Powerful Natural Remedies For Eye problems Revealed

eye problem

Eye irregularities are generally of two categories: infections or muscular incapacities. While a condition such as cataract is a growth and therefore an exception to the rule, it is none the less true that the majority of eye ailments are either of muscular or infectious origin. All infections treated at sanatorium received a general programme of therapy plus specific treatment for the area in which the infection was localized. The application of the anti-infection programme differed only in degree from one infection to another. The final aim always remained the same, the internal and external cleansing of the body.

C. K., a woman in her middle thirties, had, since childhood, been the victim of repeated eye infections. When she entered the sanatorium both eyes were severely affected, red-rimmed, containing a yellow discharge which encrusted upon the eyelids each night and made it impossible for her to open her eyes each morning without first wetting them and removing the caked discharge. The eyes were extremely sensitive to light and vision was markedly impaired. She was suffering from an advanced form of conjunctivitis (commonly called "pink-eye").

An eliminatory diet was ordered. During the first three days full (one quart at 8o°) enemas were ordered. These were later exchanged for small (a drinking glass full at 72 °) enemas taken each morning. A three-quarter (neck to thighs) pack was applied for half an hour each day followed by a hip-bath (86°). Hot baths and applications (96°) were applied each morning and throat and calf compresses before retirement. The eyes were bathed with cold (6o°) water every three hours each day. At the start of the second week, the eye infection cleared and several small boils appeared upon the back. The toxins had been forced into a new exit. The treatment was continued with cold (60 °) compresses applied to the boils, which opened quickly. C. K. was discharged after ten days with instructions to remain upon a non-stimulating diet and continue daily eye-baths and short sun-baths. That was twelve years ago and the condition has never returned.

Treatment for muscular incapacities differs greatly from that prescribed for infection. While eye-baths (60 °) are ordered for both, the treatment for muscular weaknesses would of course be aimed at strengthening and rebuilding the deteriorated muscle tissue. The major eye weaknesses that have become common with the general increase in detailed work, sewing, reading, etc., are the result of muscular irregularities. While the tendency towards shortened or stretched eye muscles can be inherited and exaggerated through improper eye care, this tendency can also be combated through a natural programme of eye care and strengthening.

The natural method for rebuilding weakened or strained eye muscles revolves around muscular exercise, rest and proper diet. The discovery that Vitamin A is a deterrent to night blindness and other eye disorders has caused some to turn to carrot juice and other foods rich in the A Vitamin as some cure-all for eye defects. Even if diet could be considered a cure-all (and nature indicates to us that diet is but one important component of a programme for natural health), it would still be a serious mistake to isolate one food value and turn to it as an answer to disease and decay. If the eye muscles have become weakened, they must be fed not only with Vitamin A, but with a balanced diet that also stresses the B Complex, that family of foods that protects and strengthens muscular and nerve tissue.

Rest and protection must be guaranteed for the eyes. Protecting the eyes involves such simple but basic steps as reading only under conditions that will not create an exaggerated amount of strain. Reading in itself is not a natural process, but the knowledge of mankind lies within the books of the libraries of the world and must be conserved and continued. This rather recent practice (reading is, at most, five thousand years old, while man has between five hundred thousand and a million years of history behind him) makes it necessary for all of us to take special precautions to protect our eye health. You know the proper method for reading but the question is how often you follow it. Do you make certain that there is enough light upon the page of your book before you begin to read? Do you hold the book at least two hand spans (fingers extended) from your eyes? Do you read from a sitting position, the book supported firmly in your hands to avoid constant motion of the reading matter upon which your eyes are focusing? If so, you are protecting your eyes. Reading without proper light; holding the reading matter immediately before your eyes so that they are forced constantly to strain the muscles for proper focus; reading in bed with the printed matter swaying and bobbing with each breath you take, thus forcing the eyes to focus and refocus a hundred times a minute, all of these are the stones that pave the road to impaired vision.

Providing the proper reading conditions and working conditions will not return the eyes to health once that health has been injured. Here diet, exercise and hygiene take over. Eye hygiene, as already stated, requires daily cold baths for the eyes. Frequent rest periods for the eyes, particularly during reading or close work, are also primary to their health. Do not wait for your eyes to tell you that they are tired. If your eyes signal through pain, watering or dizziness that they have been strained, then you have waited too long to supply needed rest. Make it a rule to rest your eyes at least twice a day under any circumstances. If you are reading or using your eyes for unusually close work, apply a half-hour rule to your programme of rest. Never work more than thirty minutes at a time without using the following simple steps for eye rest:

PALMING. Close both eyes and rest the palms of the hands lightly upon them. Slowly roll the eyes within the sockets in wide circles which take the eyeballs to the extreme walls, roof and floor of the eyes. Repeat this roll a dozen times or more.
MASSAGE. Following the palming with massage. While the eyes remain closed, place the thumb and forefinger of one hand upon the eyelids and rotate slowly with a gentle pressure that brings comforting relief.

CLAMPING. Now clamp the lids of your eyes together as tightly as you are able, and then open them wide. Repeat this lid exercise half a dozen times.
No matter what the condition of your eyes, this programme of relaxation is basic to protecting your sight. Where the eyes have already lost the muscular capacity to afford fine vision, you may be interested in the programme of exercise evolved. This programme was intended to strengthen the weakened muscles of the eyes and had, as its final aim, the elimination of glasses.

But it must be explained that full sight could never be attained even with the programme applied at the sanatorium so long as the patient continued to depend upon glasses for visual support. If he or she was merely interested in stopping the loss of visual capacity, then it was possible to do so without removing the glasses. But where the patient was determined to return to a total state of eye health and full visual capacity it was necessary that the glasses be discarded before the programme was begun.
Sight Strengthening Programme

Diet and all of the components of natural lining must be observed. Cleanse the system; feed the body for health, not merely to satisfy taste buds. Sun, air, and natural baths must be a part of your daily life. These basic requirements satisfied the Sight Strengthening Programme may be applied.

These exercises were prescribed twice daily at the sanatorium, on rising and prior to retiring for the night. The only piece of equipment used for these exercises consisted of a small card (about three inches square) upon which a black circle about the size of a sixpence had been drawn. Each exercise was applied first to one eye, while the other remained closed, then alternated and finally both eyes completed the exercise.

Holding the card a hand span (ten inches) from the eyes, the focus is drawn first to the black circle upon the card and then to an object five or more feet away. This shifting of focus is done quickly and repeated twenty times with each eye and twenty times with both. This motion from the near focal point upon the card to another at many times the distance strengthens the eye muscles through swift, vigorous action.

Holding the card one inch from the face and concentrating upon the black focal point, the card is moved from a point immediately above the eyes to one below the chin while each eye is alternately opened and moved from top to bottom in pursuit of the focal point. Twenty times for each eye and twenty for both is the minimal course of exercise.

Holding the card one inch from the face, it is moved from one side of the face to the other as the eyes are moved in changing focus with the card; ten times per eye and ten for both.
At a distance of six inches, the card is rotated five times clockwise and five counter-clockwise for each eye and the same for both.

At a distance of one inch, the card is moved from left side of forehead to right side of chin and then from right of chin to left of forehead, forming an X in the air, while the eyes, alternately and then together, move quickly in diagonal lines of pursuit.

These five exercises practiced twice a day, plus a programme of rest and natural existence, have brought new strength and life to thousands. Treasure your eyes, for they are the windows of your soul.


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