Why You Must Drink Your Urine Often

To some people, urine is one of the a waste product that must be removed from our body system as soon as possible or else, there could be a lot of danger. Do you think urine is waste, then you have every right to your views and I have not right whatsoever to force or cajole you to accept any opinion to the contrary. Also, there are people out there who hold their views that urine has many healthy benefits and cures many sicknesses and diseases. The views of these people should also be acknowledged and respected for these observations not even condemn their views without allowing them to explain their views . But, let me tell you a short story. Three months ago, a close friend had what the doctors described as a terminal disease. He spent fortunes in desperate search for cure and yet no healing in sight. The wife jumped from one hospital to the other in Lagos, Nigeria and there was no success. She visited churches within and outside Lagos and fasted for days so that God...